Wednesday, February 3, 2010

in 10 years time...

So I found some old college classmates of mine on Facebook (a site you don't know about because you have no friends) and it occurred to me that a LOT can happen in 10 years!

Some friends were over seas, even on the other side of the planet, some had done over 20 different jobs since then, some had big families, some were still single... even 2 classmates married each other!

And it dawned on me just how much you can accomplish in 10 years, and how far you can be from who you are, to who you will be in 10 years.

Then I started thinking about how much time I had wasted doing nothing really, and learning nothing and being nothing. Then I started thinking about how stupid I was and what a failure I've become and then I realized... I could get up and make things happen so that in 10 years, I'll be a completely different person doing something totally different and be truly happy!!!

Then again, nah... screw it. I screwed up the last 10 years, I'll probably do it again so why bother? Sound familiar? It should. I'm your subconscious.

You suck.

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