Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Don't bother, I'll never figure it out" - The Self Fulfilled Prophecy

Recently I've had people asking me to explain things to them that they didn't understand. However, if they do not understand even the smallest portion of what I explain, they throw their hands in the air and tell me they just don't get it and should stop.

It's very easy to get frustrated with things you don't know or don't understand. You can see it from the earliest ages in almost every person alive, it's a human trait. Children throw toys that won't work, they get mad when they can't solve a puzzle, when they die repeated in a video game... and on and on. This translates into adult hood where you certainly have a better grasp thanks to years of schooling however it's not something that many people address directly and therefore never deal with directly.

What happens is that people get frustrated with common every day experiences such as dieting and finances. Most people simply don't know what foods truly are the best for them because they don't take the time to learn. Finances are a huge one; who really takes the time to learn all the investing terms and options, takes the time to find the best banks with the best interest rates?

What results is a very large frustration; not only in dealing with your weight and money/bills but also in knowing full well that you need to know more but just don't.

This is the part where I should explain that you can easily walk into any bank or go to any dietitian and they'll explain anything and everything.

But I won't because you and I both know that it won't make any difference. This is a motivational article, not an informational one. What you are lacking is not only the motivational requirements to get up and out of the house to seek out a professional and spend time learning, but also the desire to actually learn from them.

Here is how it works; you don't know certain things because you don't care to know it. You get more frustrated learning it than you do not knowing it. Am I right?

I've had to re-explain things so many times to some people because they simply have no interest in learning it. They ask me to explain it, sure... but the explanation doesn't sink in for one simple reason, they didn't know it before, they won't know it after, they don't care to know it now. They just ask because it makes no sense to them at the time and they ask out of frustration, not a desire to learn.

It's a very childish attitude when you get to the bottom of it but as I said, it's a human trait. We all do it.

Do you know why successful people are successful? It's because they took the time to learn. They didn't just learn business management, or take "how to be successful" seminars by over paid speakers in some random convention. They learned as much as they could every day that they could. Want to learn about diets? Read some books. Want to learn about finances? Read some books!

You don't have to go back to college, you don't have to even have a high school diploma. You just have to put aside that really childish, frustrated, temper tantrum throwing little voice in your head that makes you want to scream when you are faced with something you don't understand and instead, ask for some clarification.

We live in a very exciting time with the Internet at out fingertips, Libraries are still out there and best of all, real live humans who will actually set aside time to just talk to you and not even charge you a penny.

You just have to want it. And that means putting aside a very basic human trait.

The only reason you're dumb is because you want to be. Stop wanting to be. It's less frustrating.

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