Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Two Words You Should Always Remember To Never Say Are "Always" and "Never"

I am so tired of self contradictory double talk jargon thrown at me from all these "experts" that tell me that I fear success, I fear failure, anyone can succeed, not everyone is made for success.

Why can't someone just read a chart and tell me if it's in me or not. Let me go about my business with the knowledge that I should shoot for it or not. Do I have to be destined for greatness if I just try hard enough and never give up? Why? If everyone was, who would pump the gas and take my money at the fast food drive in window?

I don't necessarily mean that I want anyone to beat me down and call me the failure that I am, I just want people to tell me that it's ok to not be making a million dollar income.

Here's the problem: for some people, money comes easily. Not that it just comes to them, but making and managing it is something that they just know and do well. And those people will never ever understand what it means to just be an average person working pay check to pay check.

Oh sure some of the wealthy people have had hard times in their life, I'm not denying that. What I said was that making and managing money comes naturaly to them. That's why they're capable of bouncing back from those hard times.

Not everyone can play music, they may be tone deaf or just not have the rhythm in them. Not everyone can be an artist... the ability to see the picture on the paper just isn't there, and no amount of practice will change that.

Well, the same can be said for money and success. It's not in everyone.

Why am I ranting about this? Well, I go about the internet reading about how to be successful, how to motivate myself... and all these people tell me that I can be great if I just try hard enough and don't give up. And I do, for a long time. And when all it does is exhaust me, stress me and get me no where... I feel worse than before I had found their "advice".

I would have been better off if those people had just told me that I'm doing fine, I can do better, but I'm doing fine and not making a million dollars next year is ok too.

Don't let the snobby "It's easy!" well to do people try to convince you that you should be something you're not. Don't just give up on life and stop trying to be successful either.

Just accept that you can do better than you are but that you don't have to be successful to be someone. Don't beat yourself up when they tell you it's easy and you find out it's not. Because it really isn't. Nothing in life is. And yet, you're doing just fine.

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