Thursday, February 11, 2010

Failure is your best teacher, but why all the extra homework?

When Thomas Edison was asked why he didn't just give up after failing the first 1000 times trying to make a light bulb, he said he didn't fail, he just found 1000 ways it won't work.

This is the part where I'm supposed to tell you that persistence and hard work pay off, like it did for Thomas Edison... I'm not.

If you haven't figured out the message in the story, my little words of inspiration won't help you. In fact, I bet you've already heard that little story before and yet here you are, looking for more motivation because it simply wasn't enough.

Leave this site and go find some other motivational site. I can guarantee you that you'll see that Thomas Edison anecdote on every motivational site you find. So if it didn't work before, and doesn't work now... why are you still searching?

Wait wait wait, there's a reason I am asking and asking the way I just did. Think about it... let me put it this way. Have you found 1000 sites yet on motivating you?  Now go back and read the Thomas Edison anecdote again and see if you can figure out why I asked.

Not everything is a world changing invention. Not everything is a HUGE success. Sometimes successes and failures come in nice neat little packages that we don't even recognize...  including, being unable to motivate ourselves. And for a moment, you asked yourself... why are you still searching when it's just not working? Why are you still trying?

Well, if you can't keep trying at the small stuff, do you think you'll quit when it comes to the really hard stuff?

Remember, you suck because you fail and keep trying.... but you'll suck a heck of a lot more if you fail and quit.

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