About the AntiMotivator

If you've read more than say, 5 articles on motivation or self improvement... chances are you've noticed what I noticed: they all spout out cliches and tell you what you already know.

I am sick of all the feel good motivational quotes that people repeat as if they're some ancient prophet reborn in the modern era simply to make me feel good with their regurgitated anecdotes that they got from someone else's articles.

You want motivation? How about a kick in the teeth? That seems to be much more effective in getting people smarten up in a real hurry.

And since I can't make a website that kicks you in the teeth until you love yourself, I figure this is the next best thing.

I intend on writing real articles about real experiences and obersvations without rosy coloured glasses. Instead, I'll explain why you suck, what you do to suck more and if you have what it takes to figure out what you have to do to not suck, then my job is done. If you don't like it, please go on sucking some more while you try to find that stranger out there who wrote that one magical feel good one liner that will finally help you feel good enough about yourself to be happy.